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  • #3605

    With the increasing use of “Made In China” undermount sinks being purchased, we have been using our proliner to generate the dxf file for our CNC machines. My question is: Might there be a resource somewhere for the dxf templates?  Using the proliner is very time consuming and not cost effective for us.
    Thank You

    Andy Graves

    Posted By DW on 30 Apr 2009 09:52 AM

    With the increasing use of “Made In China” undermount sinks being purchased, we have been using our proliner to generate the dxf file for our CNC machines. My question is: Might there be a resource somewhere for the dxf templates?  Using the proliner is very time consuming and not cost effective for us.
    Thank You

    If you find a solution, please let me know.  China sinks are the worst even when they come with the template that never fits.

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