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  • #6034

    I have been searching the forum for an hour now with no luck.

    Two questions:
    Who sells drains for trough sinks.
    Has anyone ever had an issue with custom sinks in commercial applications not having UPC stickers? 
    We’re in California.
    Thanks, Ross 
    Andy Graves

    I have done sinks without the UPC stickers without issue but I couldn’t tell you what situation. We do lots of vanities and I can never remember what does and doesn’t have the code.

    If you are making your own, I would have them sign off on it or include that fact in the contract.

    As for the drains, I was just talking about this with another FabNetter. John at may have some. The other guy had a custom drain made.

    You can also make the drain section yourself and just attach a normal drain assembly. You will have to have a removable cover to access the drain in case of a clog.


    Google Expressions LTD  Go under their products menu and search for concrete  and its either under the  sink molds or its under the countertop supplies..  the have extremely friendly staff  if you can’t find it on the  website  call them and ask about slot drain adapters..  Email me  if you have any problems.  You can attach them  with clip and rod bonder  and you can use the 2 part epoxy for the studs and then just use silicone and wing nuts  ( should be included)

    Member is the website.. look under concrete and there’s a link for sink drains and countertop fixtures..

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