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  • #1573
    Ted Fletcher

    Here is a post one, one in a bunch about the granite black list.. I left the name off to protect the ignorant….


    Again you are talking hot air. Your study did not imply any of what you suggest. It left room for you to sigest it however it did not say your kitchen countertop contains 54bil bacteria. You made that as reality.

    Also study did not mention granite used and whether it is used for kitchens

    Study did not solve whether bacteria was LIVING in the granite or was FOSILIZED in it.

    Just because they founds a mamooth in the granite in Antartica does not mean you have 54 mamooth in you countertop man. Wake up… Watch discovery channel… they really did find a mamooth in granite… you gonna tell I got 54 Bill in my house?


    Here is my reply.

    ” C*******,,

    Please read the study before you jump to conclusions. They took the samples,crushed them under sterile conditions, then the crushed granite were plated in petri dishes on growing meduim.

    In the abstract, the listed the 500 spores as CULTIVABLE, which means capable of being cultivated or grown. They were alive. It also listed the 10 to the 4th power bacteria found as CULTIVABLE as well. They were alive as well.

    They subjected the found bacteria to DNA testing, which isn’t possible on fossilized material, fossilized is when sediments replace the organic matter and is subsequently turned into rock by heat and pressure.

    They know that some of the bacteria were siblings, just don’t know if they were trapped as a family group or actually grew in place. They were honest enough or smart enough to state what they don’t know, what they were ignorant of.

    True the study wasn’t about countertops. However, if we look at a study done on any material, it’s properties will be the same regardless of what it is used for. The tensile properties of steel will be the same whether it is used for a car or a tool, granite that provides a hospitible enviroment for bacteria will do the same whether it is used for floor tile or a countertop.

    The idea of studies is to point out the basic properties of a material. Got it?

    They also mentioned a previous study where they found only 100 cultivable bacteria per gram of Sonoran desert basalt, so you would have seen that had you taken time to read the report. They also mentioned that the bacterial found in both studies were almost exact to those found inside granite structures, granite rock, granite tombs, caverns, all over the world. This is proven fact, Cristian, and there is no debate on the fact that granite has bacteria growing within the pores, fissures, and crevices.

    C******** wrote:

    “Just because they founds a mamooth in the granite in Antartica does not mean you have 54 mamooth in you countertop man. Wake up… Watch discovery channel… they really did find a mamooth in granite… you gonna tell I go 54 Bill in my house?”

    They found a mammoth, not a “mamooth”, it was in Siberia not “Anartica”, and it was found frozen in ice not “in granite”. If you can get three things wrong in one sentence, why should we trust anything you say in the future?

    Read the study, ask questions if there is a section you have trouble following (I had to on several studies) and get your facts straight before you post them.

    Respect us enough to do your homework and I will respect you in my posts as well.”

    Shooting fish in a barrel…….. I can’t figure if they have no one capable of participating in a debate or if the facts leave them no possible arguements. This would be fun if they could find a worth opponent, but I will accept the easy wins.

    In the beginning, I was pretty nice to this guy because he didn’t do personal attacks, but asked questions that were intended to point out weaknesses in my arguements. When that didn’t work, he did what most of them do, attack the messenger.


    Al, how are you? Sure looks like your having fub with the stoners…I just wanted to point out in your article that you say your gonna protect the name of this dude and as i was reading the article on the last paragraph before you start letting him know you do watch discovery channel, you did post his name , i was laughing, His name is C******* or is that his religion?Are the stone sites you frequent MIA or stone advice .com

    Lenny E

    Al, that was hilarious. Dont worry, stoners tend to cast stones, its their nature. And I was being so nice to them in my rad study, just reporting facts. However just in case this idiot savant is correct about the bugs etc. being fossilized, Ive ground up my granite top, and placed it in petri dishes, hoping to culture the worlds first living mammoth, or T rex. Wish me luck, while this guy is obviously a Dufus, on the 0.00001% chance he isnt, Im gonna be a billionaire!



    James Brown

    Hey Gene,

    The name C***** wasn’t his name, but it starts with C.

    This is on in the kitchen forum. Lately they have been backing down, but there is one guy that is funny as anything you will ever read. The guy goes under the name JEST, and is all over the place.

    Here is the link to the thing…..

    Here is a link to the JEst character, one unhappy camper…..


    Oh! I did have his name in the body of the post! Whoops!

    Tom M


    Just a note – poinmting out a misspell is not the best line for either you or me. We make planty of spelling errors.

    Second, I keep couynting the number of asterisks, and for the life of me I can’t find the ” r ” at the end. So I get as far as ****sucke, but that’s it. Did you miscount?

    Good bit of rebuttal. It was pretty well laid out, as far as I could read.You’re getting too hot to touch on the stoners.

    Las Barko

    Tom, I wuz defientlly thowing stones and living n a glazz hoose. Thooght yew woodnt notuse.

    Nut much on thet countering stuff, lust track of the asstricks.

    Waht are asstricks nnyhow? Should I bee askin estteamed members of congrass from that tater state?


    Dang Tom,

    Finally figured out the r at the end business. I sure could use you over there at garden web! I doubt if many could follow your mind as it weaves in and out, but it would be fun to see them try.

    Tom M

    I really ought to check out all the sites that discourage solid surface. I really do think it is the best dang material for countertops out there.

    After I figure out how to save and grow in rather stupid economy.

    David Gerard

    Tom, you would think while we in Alaska who see most economic changes occur in a lag behind sort of way when things change in the lower 48, would be able to tell the future of our own destiny. I feel as though we are the bitter end of the roller coaster cars waiting for the brakeman. I have notice a tremendous drop in bid opportunities since spring. I don’t even see the granite industry gettin much around here. Very interesting times ahead for sure. Just hangin on your last remark.

    Tom M


    Similar problem here. I have gone to advertising on cable to pull people in. It works, but it’s awful expensive. Commercially we are seeing a minor uptick and we’re getting what we can, but it’s not a lot.


    Booming here in Oklahoma, we usually go from one kitchen to the next, but we have two stuffed in the shop this week, and three waiting for a production spot. Solid surface is picking up, three jobs last month, and two of the kitchens waiting to be built will have solid surface tops.

    Labor is still tight, not many calls from people looking for work.

    Norm Walters

    Al, sounds like you need some help. I have done alot of fabricating in my sleep, do you think you might be able to pay me for that???




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