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  • #2407
    Chad Pitcher

    Got a job that we have to fab a five inch bullnose and they are about 8 to 12 feet long there are six tops in all and about 70 feet of edge. Already have few ideas but was looking for more and some good input.



    Never done it but I think I would thermo form a piece and then add to the edge of the countertop.

    I’ll bet Jon Olson can give you some guidance.

    Johnny C

    Andy Graves

    Hey Chad,

    Like we talked about on the phone, I think the best approach is to bend it. Jon could probably weigh in to help determine if a 5″ BN could be bent.


    if our buddy Jon cant help ya..maybe look into farming it out to the grifform dudes or like one of those ready made specialty edges, then all you hafta do is glue it to the top…thats only as an alternative to the other suggestion…show pics later pleasee


    It would be slow and tedious, but a router set up swinging on an arc would do this edge, maybe a tray bottom bit with a radius corner.

    Or it could be done by shaping it square, then octagon, then up to hexadecagon, then sanding it to true round. Might work up a scraper in that radius (use an old hand saw blade, grind it to size and shape).

    Tom M

    You’d be surprised how well it could be roughed out on a table saw.

    Lot’s of finish sanding, though.

    Jon Olson
    Yes I would thermo form if the opportunity is there. Why don’t you have Gene bend the bull nose and you apply it to your top? Gene will take good care of you.

    Having said that Tom and Al’s suggestions are good as well. But as Tom stated allot of grinding !
    Andy Graves


    Can an actual 5″ bullnose be bent or is that too tight a radius over a 60″ countertop?

    Paul Bingham

    You could easily shape it on a CNC using 3D software. Then just glue it to the top. Should not be much sanding if cut with a ballnose 1/4″ bit. Someone in your area with a CNC could help you out if you don’t have one.


    Chad Pitcher

    hey Jon

    wonder if you could call me and give $ on forming the edge and I can send you a fax with a diagram.Phone is 2087094428 would be nice to see if we can do that if not that is all write too.

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