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  • #173
    Andy Graves

    If I was to do a HOW-TO series, would you rather watch a video or would you rather read and article and see some pictures?

    I have been kicking around the idea, but not sure what direction to take.



    I think that would depend on the subject. I am sure that some could be done with and article and pictures, which is great to keep in a binder for future reference, but other subject might need an accompanied video.


    Andy Graves

    Good Point. I never thought about prining it out for later reference.


    It’s always easier to learn by being shown rather than through reading so I’d favour the video option.

    BTW are there any instructions on how to upload video to the site?

    Andy Graves

    Patrick wrote

    BTW are there any instructions on how to upload video to the site?


    I had an upload feature and it basically stunk. I would try to upload a file bigger than 4 mb and it would time out on me. So I decided to change it. You are more than welcome to send it to and I can upload it. Be sure to tell me who to give credit to.

    If the email doesn’t work, you can always send me a disc and I will upload it.

    We would love to have any and all videos.

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