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    Dwight, look at it this way. Would you want YOUR customers to be able to call up your suppliers and get YOUR cost on materials? They are only protecting all the fabricators by not sharing confidential information with non-fabricators. I’m sure it’s frustrating, but, in the long run it’s good for everyone.

    Are you looking to add solid surface to your existing contracting business? If your only going to do a job once in a while, it may not be worth the investment in training, tooling etc. Like most mature industries, it’s not the cash cow it once was. When Corian was new ( 70’s) it was the “hot thing” and you could get the $ you needed…as the industry grew and additional products were added, along with new products ie granite, quartz, concrete etc. solid surface was no longer the “hot thing” and profits dropped.

    You can make a living but, your not going to get rich, add the investment in time to train, learning curve, and tooling needed it may or may not make sense to “do it yourself”. Sometimes your better off doing what you do really well, and are set up to do, and partner with someone to do the things you can’t do in volumes that make sense.

    Hope this make some sense to you.


    DuPont has always been a pain to work with. Back in the 80’s they were pulling the same game. Had to sell wholesale only, buy in half truck quantities, could only carry their product etc. I laughed, and sold other products. Guess they still think they have something unique, must be nice to live in that bubble. Even specified material is, in many cases, easy to switch to a different brand. Funny thing is, a year or two later they came back and said they would “allow” me to buy a kitchen at time…told em the same thing, I didn’t need you last year and sure as heck don’t need you now.

    Too many options to sell your soul to anyone.


    Like Tom said…too many times pols’ say one thing, but vote a different way. Never understood “pro women”. does that mean he is for the killing of unborn children? I don’t see that as “pro” women but anti children. The child is the ONLY innocent party in an abortion. Pro military ? but he voted to cut benefits for retired military, saving 6 billion, while voting for foreign aid to the tune of 37 billion.

    Even McKook here in Az “said” the right things when he last run, but, he authored the bill allowing the President ( which he signed) the right to declare any citizen a “potential” terrorist and hold them FOREVER with no right to a lawyer, or trial and not even having to be charged with a crime. Completely doing away with the 4th amendment. Why would they need that ? And at the same time, they did away with the possie comitatus act, (sp) which now allows US military to be used against citizens.. It was outlawed after the civil war, but now…Obummer can declare an emergency and martial law, enforced by the US Military. He voted for that also.

    Sorry Murkowski is not someone I would vote for either.

    But I’m glad you enjoyed the process. We can agree to disagree.


    With his voting record I would not be endorsing him myself.


    Doesn’t the new Glue Boss adhesive work with steel Andy ?


    You saw me In Okinawa in 67 Lenny ? oppps…….


    You may want to look at Avonite..they make both 1/4″ and 1/2″ in wider widths. I agree 1/2″ would give you a much more satisfactory result and, with much less stress in your life.


    Frank.. this is a little late, but I’ve been “out of pocket” for a while.
    The two best SS shops in Az are D Moe and Western Mill work. Both located in the phoenix area. D Moe does only SS while Western does in house Mill work, Stone and SS.

    Not talked to either of them in a while, so not sure if they are hiring or not.. of course, everyone is always looking for a great employee.

    Good Luck !


    Hey Lenny… do you really think it will take another two years? With the bill congress passed on the debt ceiling, it, basically gives the Pres the right to spend whatever he wants…without congressional approval.

    Interested to spend the last 6 months in Northern California, where they folks are trying to break away from the rest of California and become the State of Jefferson…almost gives you hope that something may survive. We can already see the country is breaking apart by values…liberal vs conservative…cities vs country… this is being done by design, so those in power can remain in power…hopefully it will bite em in the ass before it’s all said and done.

    Sadly only a portion of the peeps are waking up, those low information voters are still dumb as a box of rocks and continue to support pol…crooks that do NOT have their best interest at heart.

    With Maryland, Colorado, California and a few other places trying to breakway…maybe folks will wake up and throw all the idiots/crooks out. Something about DC air that causes you to go corrupt I guess. Can you believe McKook is even talking about running again? MY God.. I swear I will spend 100% of my time going door to door to work against that piece of……… HE should be charged with treason in my opinion. Authoring a bill to allow the Pres to lock up anyone, forever, with no right to an attorney or even a trial…and no charges have to be filed…He revoked the 4th amendment.
    Along with many other anti American laws..

    Dang I hate to get started….


    Well, I’m not ready to trade my freedoms for perceived safety. We live in a free society, with that comes some risk, we can never get rid of all risk, unless we get rid of all freedom. It is interesting that the FBI was alerted to these “people” several years ago by a foreign government and, after investigation, said there was no threat. Also interesting, Obummer cut funding for bomb detection by 45% several years ago.

    Wonder how many in the Boston Area were wishing they had an AR last night when all this went down.


    They use to always be partnered with Multi Housing World, shows were good back in the day. Post more pics Jon..


    No Tom, they just don’t know what you Can’t do with this stuff, so they do it…..i’m so not artistic it sucks……..


    It’s the pressure cookers fault.. ban em.


    Anyone else dizzy ?


    Amazing craftsmanship !

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