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  • #3752
    Steve Mehan

    Hows this for a privacy policy…
    I ordered a few items from one of my distributors and they asked for my credit card info for payment. When I received my order I noticed that they wrote my # and experation date on the order ticket for all to see. When I called to tell them to complain they said ” impossible, we shred that info “. I’m glad I noticed it so I could cancel the card, but what a pain in the a$$.

    Jon Olson

    Thats just not



    Hey Steve…can you wait a little while longer to cancel the card?

    Oh and BTW what is the security code on the back

    please post the back of the card on here….hurry up so I can go into the tools for sale section…

    Na…all jokes aside….what a dumb arse.I would question their mentality as to how they take down your personal information and the attitude of just leaving it around in their office or warehouse…we wonder how some people get their identity stolen ten states away…Steve posted one of the ways its happening

    I listen to finacial talk shows  and once in awhile I hear…dont keep your credit card on file with vendors in  todays economy…because if they owe you might accidentally get your card processed to cover their expenses and they apologize by paying back when they get the money….they borrowed your cash without asking…i know thats criminal..but what about making it an accident on purpose..yup Im a conspiracy dude..I am scared to keep my CC on file with companies

    or worse yet..have we got the personal information of the person who is taking our personal information?   I could be skeptical ..but maybe we should change our cards every six months and keep them with the vendors we still trust


    I’d be talking to the owner of that company and try to get the idiot who did this removed from doing that job. If they don’t think there is anything wrong with it then I would find another vender to order from. I personally would cancel the card and have them reissue a new one.

    Karl Crooks

    You got to wonder how many times this happened ?????


    Andy Graves

    Holy crap. If I were the vendor I would make sure I apologized directly. It could ha e been an honest mistake but it will take you a bunch of time and and worry.

    You going to cancel that card?

    Steve Mehan

    I cancelled it the day I got my order and waited till I got the new card before I posted the pic.

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