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  • #6149
    Andy Graves

    Finally finished my kids bathroom. We raised the ceiling, installed some new lights and installed a new counter and backsplash.


    Looks great Andy.

    Is the edge done with a V-fold? Stacked, or other technique.

    Tell us about the bowl please.

    Johnny c

    Andy Graves

    Here is a link to the sink –

    It is from Gemstone.

    The edge is stacked but could have been miter folded without an issue. Not sure why I chose to do it that way. The counter was finished with 600 grit and Perfect Finish/Scotchbrite

    Lenny E

    Wow! Looks Great Andy!

    Much better than the bathroom I had as a kid! In the summers I stayed with my grandparents in W Va. Upside..guns everywhere and lots of hunting and fishing. Downside they had an outhouse, but as a more prosperous was a ‘2 Holer”. I will never forget pooping thru the spider webs and that “outhouse aroma” that the honeysuckles planted all around it could not dispel. And the Sears catalog in Lieu of paper. You haven’t lived until trekking out to an outhouse in the middle of the night with a flashlight during a snow or rainstorm! It made me the man I am today.

    Your kids should be very sanguine about that most pristine offering.

    I’m sorry you don’t live nearer to me, I would have you do my entire house in Solid Surface.

    Excellent work as usual.

    BTW , could you go into some more detail about the back wall (above the sink) looks interesting.

    Andy Graves

    Thanks Lenny,

    The backsplash is my wife’s attempt at design. It is a glass, stone tile that is vertical to give the room more height….supposedly.

    It looks pretty cool, but I fear that when it goes out of style, I will be the one to replace it.

    Lenny E

    Ah, Wives…I’m on number 3 now and always looking for number 4. According to them, they can do no wrong. But we know better.

    Actually , tell Mrs. Andy that is a cool design, very eye catching and it does kinda make the room look bigger in a feminine sort of way.

    When it goes out of style , have her replace it!

    I tried that in divorce #1, so you need to consider your options! To quote Clint Eastwood, “A man has to know his limitations”.

    David Gerard

    Andy, here is the great thing about this, aside from some excellent workmanship from both you and Val, your kids will always remember the fact that you did the work. My daughter realizes this herself and attacks projects knowing she can do things for herself.
    Val, I love the tile splash! We sometimes encourage customers to add tile splash. Often solid surface can look just…too sterile by it’s self. That is one nice kids bath room! KUDDOS!

    Andy Graves

    Thanks David.

    It looks way better than before. We also added one of those Solotubes that lets in the light. I really like that being there is no outside window for that hall bathroom. Natural light is just way better.



    Great looking vanity top! Love the craftsmanship and the sink!


    Andy Graves

    You like that sink eh Jeff. Pretty cool looking.


    Andy, Beside nice clean look of countertop, i see some sea shells, probably picked up by your kids (this the first thing my son did when he went to beach forthe first time recently), in glass jar. Even one bottle has sea shell cap. Nice blend. Great gift for kids. Regards, Manish


    now thats sweet

    Andy Graves


    You woulda put shells in the countertop eh? I was going to go all in but wimped out. It still looks nice but coulda looked like what you do to tops.


    I feel your pain Andy , it’s sucks when someone’s talents are so good, it intimidates us even though we are 1000’s of miles away. Lol


    well sometimes nothin looks best..soem of my tops are a little over the top…but its not to late…act like you hafta do a repair..cut out a wiggly shape near the sink and fill with shells and a starfish fil with ur stone clear..make sure you build a glue stick dam around it though…sand down and done…I lose lotsa business because people dont know I do tops exactly like the manufactures make the samples…seems like I always gotta change it up..

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