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  • #55445
    Gordon Doull

    OK, but his attention appears to be a little North of there…. 

    Gordon Doull

    Just look down, Andy. It’s down there somewhere…..

    Gordon Doull

    Posted By Tom M on 27 Oct 2009 12:16 AM

    um…er…ahh…why no, of course not!

    That’s just silly talk, is all that is…

    and THAT is why I will always love Tom…… 

    Gordon Doull

    Kelsey –  From a repair company perspective, we see standing and failed seams in almost every conceivable layout. The one item I would add to the terrific advice already here is that of caution regarding weight load over the dishwasher. Heat is absolutely a concern anywhere, and some of the failures we see are due to physical load (the bottom of the front edge is the first to go) being applied onto the span. I think the issue arises because if one pushes the seam support all the way to the back of the front edge like one is supposed to, it leaves little room between it and the top of the D/W opening for frontal support all the way across the opening (sometimes 1-1/4″ total or even less). This is especially true if the flooring that was installed is thick. Because of this, may I suggest installing (or having the cabineteer install) a piece of 3/4″ plywood across the front of the D/W section maybe 4″-6″ wide at the cabinetry elevation. If nailed at the top across the front and into the ends, it will give additional support to the build up that one can then install on top of it front to back on both sides of the seam. Little extra work for a bullet-proof install? Food for thought.

    Gordon Doull

    Posted By Linda on 28 Sep 2009 06:33 PM

    You guys have to understand about Andy.  He has a huge blanket at the shop, just in case it gets below 65 degrees or cloudy.  Of course, if he would quit wearing shorts, it would help.

    That’s true, Linda! He basically lives in shorts, doesn’t he?!! Also Andy, being virtually devoid of bodily hair, needs a hat that fuzzy to keep his skinny self warm. Kelsey, you can forget about the heavy beard…..ain’t gonna happen!!

    That said, that is one SEXY hat.. 

    Gordon Doull

    Fix-All is a yellowish, bagged powder that is mixed with water and used for floor leveling and smoothing. It is available at all home improvement locations and is fairly inexpensive. The only issue with it is that it cures very quickly. You MUST be completely ready to set before you mix it up as it has a pot life of only about 8-10 minutes. Mix — Pour — Set. It has to go fast or you will be chipping it back up. That said though, it dries extremely hard, doesn’t shrink and adheres well.

    Look for it in a white, green and yellow bag. I hope that helps. 

    Gordon Doull

    I guess not, David. 

    I was always more of a “Sesame Street” guy anyway….  

    Gordon Doull

    That could kill him at his age, Joe.  

    What a way to go, huh?   

    Gordon Doull

    Johnny, since I am obviously demented, perhaps YOU could shed some light on a just a few of the things that perplex me…

    How important do you have to be before you’re assassinated instead of just plain murdered?

    If it’s a “penny for your thoughts” then why is it “your two cents” when you give them? Why the price increase? Handling fees?

    Exactly how far is “yonder” and in what unit of measure?

    How many people does it take to constitute “y’all”? Is there a limit?

    Can you cry underwater? How would you know?

    Why do hats come in a round box, but pizzas and pies come in a square one?

    What disease did “cured” ham have before treatment? Swine flu?

    Why do folks say “slept like a baby” when babies wake up like every two hours?

    If a deaf person goes to court, is it still called a hearing?

    Why are actors considered ON television but IN the movies?

    If we say ‘shirt’ and ‘pants’, why is ‘bra’ singular, but ‘panties’ plural?

    If they are going to examine your body, why do doctors leave the room while you change into the gown? Anticipation?

    Why do toasters come with a setting that chars toast to a point that no human would ever eat? How come there isn’t a ‘raw bread’ setting?

    Can a hearse carrying a corpse legally use the carpool lane?

    How come Goofy stands up, but Pluto never does? They’re both dogs!

    How is is that the professor on Gilligan’s Island can make a radio out of coconuts, but can’t seem to fix the hole in the boat?

    Corn oil comes from corn. Vegetable oil comes from vegetables. So where does baby oil come from? Why is there no adult oil? Too hard to extract?

    If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

    If dogs get mad when you blow in their face, why do they stick their head out the window of the car all the time?

    And lastly, if this a thread, why am I spinning a yarn?

    Let me know. I appreciate your assistance.

    Gordon Doull

    Thanks, David.

    I realized after posting this image that it was the first picture of me, my brother , and my dad in the same frame in almost 40 years.

    Unfortunately, I let hard feelings keep me away from him for too long. 

    Don’t be like me. Family is everything. 

    Gordon Doull

    I did the big Laughlin NV ride week before last. Weather was great and the strip was packed full of bikes and ladies. It may be the last ride my Dad will be able to take. Full-dressed Harley Ultras, of course. Here’s a pic with the Jack Daniels’ girls out front of the Hard Rock Hotel:

    I have to agree, work is over-rated….

    Gordon Doull

    Posted By Lenny E on 11 Apr 2009 10:30 PM


    Im confused Joe,

    I meant the “blanks” thing strictly gun related ((i.e. inability to shoot thru a condom) .  By your statement “shooting blanks , since 92”, are you neutered? Just wondering? My cat is neutered (we aquired her like that) and she doesnt like it.


        I’m late entering into this thread, but I’d like to say that I object to your use of the term “neutered”. I like to think (based on how all my kids are) that I used to be broken and that now I’m “fixed”. Thank you very much…

    That said, Joe, call me sometime about this. Your story is interesting, but nothing compared to the horror story about my “repair” I can tell you……

    Still though, well worth it.

    Gordon Doull

    Sorry Joe, I missed the connection to Lenny’s offer too.

    But I did ingest your story, and I must say it hurt me to even read about it.

    Better luck on the next one (?).  

    Gordon Doull

    Thanks a lot, Jon. 

    Things are moving along….

    BTW, just got my color line notification from Dupont today (via fax).

    Gordon Doull

    Posted By markm on 05 May 2009 09:02 PM

    That seems to be a standard practice.  Its agrivating when you really want something.

    Of course it is, guys. But, what did you expect?!  

    They are going to do whatever is necessary to get as much as they possibly can out of everything they possibly can. Especially in today’s economic climate.

    If you were hurting that bad and were liquidating your assets to cover your debts, wouldn’t you (at least maybe)?

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