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  • #73828

    I believe you are always suposed to surface both sides of your spoil board when starting a new sheet as the surface of MDF is not only a little denser but also sealed, at least this is what I have been told, and you can see a notable difference after milling the surface the first time.
    If you spoild board is going quickly try not cutting as deeply through the material. We cut as little as .01mm into our spoild board and they last for a couple of months. This is cutting more cabinet materials than solid surface which we are just getting into. We can cut hundreds of sheets of material with one spoil board.


    We have been running a weeke CNC for ten years and just bought a second one plus additional machines from Stiles Machinery. You pay more than for other machines but they are a large company with lots of support and build excellent machines. Of the maybe 3 times our old CNC was down parts were imediately available. Meaning one time I ordered parts 7PM west coast from the Mich. and had them 9am the next morning. The parts guy left his house , pulled the part, drove it to the airport and shipped. I paid a couple hundred dollars for this but what does down time cost you? they have 24hr tech support and parts service.
    The good news, they are a huge company and have the parts and support you need. The bad news they are a huge company. I hate huge corporations but I would not deal with anyone else.


    Class action lawsuit… it is coming my friend.


    It all stated around 1984 with an ad campaign that will go down in history.

    Hi, Andy Graves for the all new Chysler minivan…

    Weather you’re taking the family cross country to Wally World or just trying to beat mama to the grocery store, the all new Chysler minivan is not a simple vehicle, it’s a way of life !


    Yes Tom, I want spotless records or for them to be shunned NOT idolized! Says a lot about this country now doesn’t it!


    Matt, alls I mentioned was that I HATE THE BEATLES. Thats all. And then Music Major Mather goes on a rampage of all things British. Makes me wonder if he has a framed copy of that famous drag queen Winston Churchill in his garage…


    BTW Shane, where has that picture of you and the ahhhh…person in feathers gone??

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